一、 | 每位同學應繳學生團體保險費(含休學學生),逾期未繳費視同放棄學保,如遇有疾病或事故時將不得申請理賠。 |
| Each student should pay the student group insurance fee, If the fee is not |
| paid on the due day, it will be regarded as abandonment of student group |
| insurance; Therefor, when you unfortunately meet illness or accident, you |
| cannot ask for claims. |
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二、 | 自願放棄參加學保者,請於113年9月12日前,填妥放棄學保聲明書連同學生證至學務處校園組辦理。 |
| For voluntanily surrender the student group insurance, please fill the |
| declaration of giving up the student group insurance and bring your |
| student ID card to Office of Student Affairs(Student Life and Career |
| Development Division) before 12th September, 2024. |
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三、 | 具有下列情形之一者,教育部將補助學保費每人每學年最高313元(分上下學期,各為156元及157元),如欲申請教育部特殊補助之同學,請於113年9月12日前,填妥申請書連同需附文件至學務處校園組辦理: |
| (一)免繳學雜費學生(係指持低收入戶證明者;重度、極重度身心障礙學生及重度、極重度身心障礙人士之子女;惟不含公費生)。 |
| (二)原住民身份學生。 |
| Deduction for domestic students rule is not applicable to foreigner students. |
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