| ※敬請使用Google Chrome瀏覽器,謝謝。
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一、 | 學校請入學的新生寫自傳,是為了協助您檢視自己,思考生涯規劃,並協助您的導師或指導教授多了解您,以作為輔導之用。 |
| 自傳將來可應用在企業實習與求職方面,請同學務必完整填寫。 |
二、 | 自傳填寫注意事項: (請務必參閱) |
(一) | 因系統編輯器程式的限制,請同學勿從「word」將自傳內容複製貼上,否則將導致系錯誤。同學可將自傳內容先複製到「記事本」中,再複製貼於本編輯器,謝謝! |
(二) | 自傳的字數請勿超過750字。若超過字數限制,資料將無法存入系統中。 |
三、 | 開始使用本系統功能前,務必關閉瀏灠器彈跳視窗封鎖功能。(關閉方式,請google搜尋) |
四、 | 承辦人:校園組翁小姐,分機2902 |
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五、 | ※特殊情況:若因電腦設定問題,無法於系統上填寫自傳。請將您的【學號】與【自傳檔案】email至bfejob@mail.nsysu.edu.tw,信件名稱《學生自傳》,承辦人會幫您開啟註冊關卡,並於系統後台上傳自傳,大約3個工作天完成。 |
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| Write down your autobiography can help you to think of your future career plan. Several elements have to be in your autobiography, including the process of your learning, your hobbies, the activities you had engaged outside the school, the honors or awards you have ever got, the motivations that drive you to apply for this department and your future plan. Autobiography can be used in applying for internship programs and jobs in the future, so please be sure to write it down completely. |
| Attentions : |
| 1. Please don’t copy your autobiography from “Word”(Microsoft Office), it may leads to system error. You can copy your autobiography into “Note” first, then paste it into this page. |
| 2. Please don’t let your autobiography more than 750 words. |
| 3. Before you starts to use the website, please set your Google Chrome to allow site to show pop-ups. |
| 4. Please use Google Chrome to as your Web Browser to browse this website. |
| 5. Person in charge : Miss Weng ext.2902 |
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