Tuition bill is available online for printing. The deadline for payment: September 9, 2024.
繳費管道:臺銀各地分行(學校臺銀代收櫃檯不收學雜費)、四大超商、郵局、信用卡轉帳、ATM轉帳、網路銀行轉帳、e-Bill全國繳費網、行動支付(Line Pay money、臺灣 Pay、街口支付、悠遊付)。逾期繳費請持原單據繳費並攜帶繳費收據正本備查。。
Payment receipt will be available for print once payment is processed.
Payment receipt will be available for print once payment is processed.
Processing time for payment transfer by the following methods:
Counter payment、ATM transfer & Credit Card payment: 2 working days 】
Convenient store、post office & mobile payment: 5 working days.
Please contact the Cashier Division at (07)5252000 extension 2323 for any questions concerning your bill or this website. Office location: Room 3002, 3rd floor, Administration Building.