*預約須知 Required to know
參加健檢人員(補助或自費)說明:Instructions for those participating in the health examination (subsidy or self-payment)
3. 約用人員受補助人員:
預約登錄:112年10月25日至113年04月25日,並於檢查日期前 4 天截止預約登錄,以利前置作業。
自費加選內視鏡檢查、電腦斷層檢查、正子造影檢查者,需於健檢前 20 天至本網頁預約登錄並自行打電話跟醫院預約確認。
6.高醫健康管理中心電話(07)3121101 轉 6866或6871( 週一~週五AM8:00-11:30 PM13:30-17:00)
1. 乳房X光攝影檢查:45-69歲婦女、40-44歲二等血親內曾罹患乳癌之婦女,每2年1次。
2. 子宮頸抹片檢查:30歲以上婦女,建議每3年1次。
3. 糞便潛血檢查:50至未滿75歲民眾,每2年1次。
4. 口腔黏膜檢查:30歲以上有嚼檳榔(含已戒檳榔)或吸菸者、18歲以上有嚼檳榔(含已戒檳榔)原住民,每2年1次。
Instructions for those participating in the health examination (subsidy or self-payment):
1. The 2023/2024 Faculty and Staff Health Examination Subsidy is available to faculty and staff who arrived before 2022/12/31 and are still working in the University.
2. Subsidized personnel within the establishment: Faculty and staff (including stationed guards, technicians, and workers) in the establishment of the university, subsidize the health examination items of faculty and staff (Set A).
3. Contract Staff personnel:
(1) The university has contracted personnel, contracted teachers, and contracted researchers, and subsidized the health examination program of faculty and staff ( Set A).
(2) Research assistants and postdoctoral researchers of the University subsidize the general health examination program (Set B), and if you want to choose the health examination program for faculty and staff (Set A), you must pay an additional NT$3,400
4. Dependents of employees: Our staff can log in on their behalf and participate in the self-paid health examination (you can change the appointment date after making an appointment).
5. Health examination period: 2023/11/01 to 2024/04/30 (detailed in the screening schedule).
6. Appointment Registration: From 2023/10/25 to 2024/04/25, the deadline for appointment registration 4 days before the inspection date is convenient for pre-operation.
7. Number of daily health check-up appointments: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, limited to 20 people per day. (Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays, please do not make an appointment)
8.Those who choose endoscopy, computed tomography, and orthophotography at their own expense need to make an appointment to log in to this website 20 days before the health examination and call the hospital to make an appointment to confirm.
9. Health examination location: Registration at counter 4, Health Management Center, 2nd floor, Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital (Health Examination Building)
10.One day of official leave will be given on the day of inspection, and administrative staff should complete the leave procedures in advance.
11. Health examination registration time: 08:00-9:00 a.m. (counter 4, 2nd floor, Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital C Building)
12.Candidates should go to the Counseling and Health Service Division (Health center) 1~2 days before the health examination to collect the fecal collection box and health examination precautions (or send personnel from each unit and department to the health protection team to collect it uniformly), if they do general health examination items (Set B), they do not need to receive the fecal examination box.
13.Please bring your school identification card, health insurance card, ID card (ARC card ), and mask to attend the examination according to the appointment schedule.
14.Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital C Building Tel: (07)3121101 ext. 6866 or 6871 ( Mon~Fri A8:00-11:30, PM 13:30-17:00)